I opened this site on December 6, 2024 to introduce you to my work with Prose, Poetry and Ancestral Archeology If information you’re looking for is incomplete or isn’t up yet, come back soon, or call and leave a message or text me at the number below for an update. Thanks.
I specialize in written, spoken and intuited language.
That means a number of things. Though my first word was apparently Dada, my verbal repertoire grew rapidly. I was reading Dick and Jane’s tales on my own in kindergarten and wrote my first rhymed, metered poem before I learned cursive writing. (For those of you young enough for that to be confusing, cursive was something kids who are now my age learned when we were seven.) See more on my Poetry page.
My first, also illustrated, prose featured two horses who gave the piece its name, “Starfire and Trigger”. Find my more current work on my Prose page.
I believe a powerful pattern of Radiant Ancestors is available to assist all of us as we integrate the discoveries from your work with me into your life. They seem to have lived before you and I began to live, the challenging familial and cultural legacies we find familiar, or have grown into radiance through their receptivity to the oppportunities Life and Love provided them. Explore this perspective on my Ancestral Alchemy page.
My client work uses any or all of those opportunities, prose, poetry and/or ancestral archeology as tools to focus on your life in the present moment. Each immersive session flowers from there. And, yes, no surprise, I’m about to direct you to my Client & Group Opportunities page.