Grief and loss chill the landscape. Sometimes it’s winter in your inner world, or in the world of someone you love, no matter what season it is in the everyday world we share. When the inner weather feels like this, sometimes a special book and time to nestle down with it can help.
Some read The Bridge Called Grief – straight through, over and over. Others open a page at random, meditate on that text or paired photo, maybe read a few pages at a time. Either way, being with this book is like seeing the stars peek through on a cloudy night while you’re navigating a strange land you didn’t want to enter.
If you, or someone you know, is walking this way now, my book-length photo essay stands as a comforting reminder that, while everyone crosses this bridge called grief alone, walking the landscape of grief is a shared human experience.
One reader reports, “This book is a kind of guide for people like me on our own journeys through difficult territory. The author must have walked this way herself. ”
She’s right. I know the territory, so let The Bridge Called Grief become one of your most reliable guides.
Copies are $10, plus $4.00 s&h within the US. (Add $.63 state sales tax for sales within Massachusetts.) Payment arrangements and other details confirmed by return email. We usually ship within 36 hours, but occasionally that’s not possible. So please allow up to 2 weeks for delivery.
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