Ancestral Archeology

The treasures of of Ancestral Archeology are scattered like shards of broken pottery. They often seem unrelated, even when they’re hidden in plain sight. Our place in time and history is an important clue on this treasure hunt. So are our relationships to the land we live on and with the lands where our ancestors lived. The way we and our families use language is another piece in the story of this many-dimensional puzzle. 

I’m an experienced storyteller who finds and tells stories tied to life here on Earth as a spiritual, physical, mental and emotional journey. I tell them in ways that encourage the listener to open, consider and respond. I encourage dialogue with everyone who steps into my virtual office. I also encourage the potent aspect of dialogue that’s deep listening. These are skills I’ve honed, skills whose seeds my ancestors provided.

They also provided me with gifts and challenges that prepare me to walk this path in my own place and time to co-create a more fulfilling life than some of them found in theirs. Ancestral Archeology can help make your journey in the here and now a more peaceful and fulfilling one, too. 

If you decide to uncover your Ancestral Archeology’s treasures with me, you might be surprised at what we find, or startled at how familiar it feels. Maybe you’ll see some parts of your inheritance from a new perspective. You might feel tears of laughter, tears of release, or no tears at all. Wonder may raise its head. Maybe a dilemma will resolve. So if you’d like to begin your own Ancestral Archeology treasure hunt, just click here.

I look forward to hearing from you!